Participating Countries

Central Asia: Clean Energy Producers
With mountainous terrain and plentiful rivers, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have great hydropower potential. Although both countries generate a surplus of electricity from hydropower during the summer, these countries sometimes suffer from electricity shortages during their cold winters. Because the surplus electricity generated during the summer cannot be stored, this surplus cannot be used during the winter when they need more power for heating purposes.
The export of electricity into the CASA-1000 transmission system from existing Kyrgyz and Tajik hydropower plants would significantly expand electrical utility revenues for both countries. The sale of electricity would only be from surplus summer generation, which is otherwise wasted, and would not impact winter generation or exacerbate shortages. In fact, the revenues from these exports could be reinvested to expand Kyrgyz and Tajik generation capacity and prevent them from future electricity shortages in the winter.
South Asia: Clean Energy Consumers
Inadequate electricity supply can significantly impede economic development and energy security. With large populations and developing economies, both Pakistan and Afghanistan have fast-growing demands for electricity that requires bold ideas to meet their increasing power needs. Without power, businesses cannot invest or create jobs, hospitals and schools operate on expensive and polluting generators, citizens suffer from indoor air pollution caused by burning wood for heating and cooking, and people endure scorching summers without fans or air conditioning. Basic services that people in developed countries take for granted cannot be offered.
By building new transmission facilities, the CASA-1000 Project would give a much-needed boost to Pakistan’s electricity situation. Given the sweltering heat in Pakistan, its peak demand for electricity occurs in the summer when its neighbors to the north have more than enough electricity to share in the system. The imported energy would increase supply of clean, reliable energy when it is needed most.
A functioning, affordable electricity system is likewise critical to Afghanistan’s growth and stability. Transformative projects like CASA-1000 can enable improved transportation, telecommunications, industry, and social services—all aspects of a functioning economy that depend on electricity. The reliable supply of imported energy from the CASA-1000 transmission lines will allow for continued economic development based on a steady supply of clean hydroelectric power. Given its location in the transmission system, imported electricity that is not used in Afghanistan could be re-exported to Pakistan. This would generate valuable revenue for Afghanistan that could be reinvested into the country’s continued development.